
Converting between different number systems
IEEE 754 32 bit format for floats basics of operator associativity


  • Why is a = (x + i) ++ undefined?

    • Reason

    • Increment / decrement operators work only on l-values. Read this

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  • Converting recurring decimals to binary using ieee format

    • Fix

      • Just consider enough bits in the fractional part so that all 23 bits are covered in the final result
      • Example: -31.325
        1. Convert -31.325 to IEEE 32 bit floating point representation Convert the fractional part to binary(by repeated multiplication with 2):0.0101 0011 0011 0011 0011 0011 (here 0011 is recurring) Express the combined result to so there is only 1 non-zero integer to the left: 1.1111 0101 0011 0011 0011 0011 0011 × 24.

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  • Working of comma operators

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