Week 9

The last week of the coding period has arrived! Its been an amazing journey so far. The last week, I focused on fixing the structure of the project and making the project travis compatible. Travis has finally been set up and is working as expected.

Tasks for the week

  • Continue with tests
  • Continue with implementations
  • Update pull requests to recently merged changes
  • Add JSON and markdown support to the analysis script
  • Add an __str__ and a plot_time_series method to each class

Summary for the week

  • Continue adding tests (#239 #240)
    I added tests for several modules. I also updated several of the pull requests from last week to make them compatible with upstream changes and travis support.

  • Continue with implementations (#205 #235 #232)
    Added a few of the remaining implementations.

  • Update pull requests to recently merged changes
    To make the project and its tests compatible with travis.

  • Add JSON and markdown support to the analysis script
    I made the analysis script (analyze) work as an executable which can now be easily accessed via the command line without explicitly using the python3 analyze.py .. format.

    It has been moved to bin and now supports output in three formats:

    • images (matplotlib charts)
    • pdf report (both metric values and charts)
    • json (no charts/timeseries data)

    I’m still working on the markdown output format since I was unable to find a suitable way to do it.

  • Add an __str__ and a plot_time_series method to each class
    I have added the __str__ method in #222. The plot method will be added shortly.

Meeting details

The weekly IRC meeting with my mentors held on Tuesday (the 13th) is summarized below.


  • Perceval support for events
  • Markdown output support for analyze script


  • Perceval support for events
    As mentioned in last week’s post, Perceval does not support issue events, owing to the fact that this makes the fetching of items inefficient due to multiple API calls.

    Valerio suggested having a separate branch off the grimoirelab-perceval’s master which would have those changes, since they are required for calculating Issue metrics.

  • Markdown output support for analyze script The analysis script already supports pdf, charts as images and json output. We discussed various ways of adding markdown support as well. Pranjal suggested having a markdown template and using Python variables to add computed values to the document.

$ \ $

  • Tasks for the next week
    • Finish any remaining tests or notebooks

    • Add documentation

The log for this meeting can be found here.

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